Join Us For The
2024 TTT Benefit & Rides
August 2nd, 3rd & 4th - 16th Annual NCH TTT Cancer Benefit Horse Trail Rides
Ornquist Arena, Middle River, Mn
Friday, August 2nd
12:00 PM - Dusk - Scavenger Hunt On Horseback - $10 Donation - Register and start whenever you arrive.
Saturday, August 3rd
8:30 AM - Hot Breakfast Concessions at the Food Shack - (Open to the Public)
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM - Registration for Trail Rides**A donation of $35 per rider or $90 for a family (parents & their children 17 & under) is suggested for Saturday's rides. With this
donation, you will receive a T-shirt and a meal ticket for the following Saturday, August 10th, TTT Benefit Pork Loin Meal to be held at the American Legion, Middle River, MN **
9:45 AM - Preregistered Riders Drawing & All Riders Gather for a Picture
10:00 AM -Trail Ride
12:00 PM - Lunch Concessions Served at the Food Shack - (Open to the Public)
2:00 PM - Trail Ride
6:00 PM - Potluck Supper at the Food Shack - Bring a side dish to go with brats that will be provided.
7:30 PM - Karaoke near the Show Registration Building
Sunday, August 6th
10:00 AM - Trail Ride
August 10th - 6th Annual NCH TTT Motorcycle Fun Run
The Wheel Bar - Middle River, MN
9:00AM Registration – 10:00AM Ride
(Ride will be approximately 250 miles)
Registration Fee $35 Per Rider
Registration includes a TTT T-Shirt and Meal Ticket for the Pork Loin Supper to be held in the evening at the American Legion in Middle River from 5-8 pm. The Supper is part of 16th Annual Trails To Treatments (TTT) Benefit to raise money for the TTT Cancer Fund. For a complete schedule of events go to www.northcountryhorsemen.com
Contact Harlan Olson 218-686-1701 or Kristi Westlund 218-686-7440
**All proceeds go to NCH Trails To Treatments (TTT) Cancer Fund**